Fluoxetin |
Andre navne: (Eng.: Fluoxetine, prozac)
IUPAC navn: (±)-N-Methyl-3-phenyl-3-[4-(trifluormethyl)phenoxy]propan-1-amin
Fluoxetin har fundet anvendelse som antidepressant. Fluoxetin hæmmer optagelsen af serotonin.
MV= 309,33 g/mol; SMP= 158 oC; bruttoformel: C17H18F3NO; log Ko/w: 4,05; CAS-nummer: 54910-89-3 (hydrochloridet 59333-67-4)
3D Struktur af fluoxetin
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Perrine, D.M., Sabanayagam, N.R., Reynolds, K.J. 1998. Synthesis of NMP, a fluoxetine (prozac) precursor, in the introductory organic laboratory. Journal of Chemical Education. 75 (10) 1266
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